Yes, that's the same bill from which the GOP was completely excluded. That was crafted behind closed doors in secret meetings. That contains thousands of pages and billions in payoffs to the trial lawyers, the SEIU, Benedict Nelson, Mary Landfill, and every other radical Leftist constituency that had donated to Obama's campaign.
The Washington Compost provides the back-story with one of the highlights featuring the dumbest press secretary of all time. Yes, Robert Gibbs is on the front lines again today, accusing the GOP of -- wait for it -- excessive partisanship. Gibbs, whose birth certificate is rumored to be an apology note from a condom factory, rolled out Standardized Obama Talking Point #19. Memo to Gibbs: excessive repetition won't make it any less of a lie.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs responded by saying that Obama has sought Republican input since early last year, and the president remains interested in hearing ideas that the GOP believe will advance the cause of health care reform... But he appeared to give little ground on the idea that Obama might abandon the months of work that produced Democratic bills that passed the House and the Senate late last year.
In a nutshell, President Obama -- Huckster-in-Chief -- is selling a "Bipartisan Health Summit" that is strictly predicated upon the exact same crap sandwich that the voters of Massachusetts forcefully spit out only weeks ago.
And when the GOP and the American people reject the same, noxious Sloppy Joe -- constructed by Democrats, for Democrats -- the Alinsky-trained hacks at the White House cry partisanship.
If this were a John Grisham story, readers would think the plot too unrealistic.
Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
Any Republican who turns up at Obama's summit deserves to lose his seat.
When will the GOP stop being the stupid party?
msspurlock: That's exactly the way these career politicans and strategists set up the situation. Let's turn it around on them. I say we have a rally in front of the Blair house, complete with tea party members, congresspeople, voters holding signs demanding that they start from scratch exactly like the majority of Americans and apparently Democrats want. Turn it into a "cynical stunt turned bad" on them. Let's use it. Let's show them that the American people WANT REAL health care reform and not the abomination they're trying to ram down our throats and we don't want to start with a 2700 page piece of crap, we want to start fresh. I think if we do this they can't label the Republicans that actually are representing most of us as either "traitors" or the party of "no." How will it look when the media is recording hundreds, or thousands of people outside the Blair house accompanied by those exact people they invited inside for "bipartisan" negotiations and talks when they're left outside in the cold, media filming, while those inside refuse to do what the majority of Americans want done... kill this bill and start over.
There's nothing like a "visual." The elitists inside in the warm refusing to budge while the representatives of the majority of Americans are outside in the cold asking for a reasonable response from them. They'll look like the elitist snobs that are trying to ram their own idealistic agenda down the throats of all of us while refusing to budge. THEY will be immediately transformed into the party of "no" and the entire stunt will be turned against them. I'm not a political strategist, but I am a guy that has common sense, two ears, two eyes, and an ability to think quickly on my feet. This is definitely the way to go.
msspurlock: "When will the GOP stop being the stupid party?"
At first I had the exact same opinion and my first reaction was that they would be insane to fall into that trap. Then I started thinking like the dirty bastards that are calling the shots in Washington now. It dawned on me that these people are ruthless sons of bitches that will do anything to gain political advantage for their own agenda. So I tried to think like them and I came up with what I think would be the best response. The beauty of it is that it's using their own tactics against them yet for a selfless cause as opposed to a selfish one.
The only thing that appears to be "bipartisan" (if that means something about which members of both parties agree) is the dissatisfaction with the monstrosity created behind closed doors.
I am a Democrat of the Democratic Party, and I do not agree with our Democratic Party representatives in Washington.
Many of us are now ashamed to be Democrats. More than that, we have come to fear our own Democratic Party. Hatred and corruption - the roots of socialism - are on the march as they have never been before, and leading this march is our Democratic Party. Increasingly, mainstream Democrats are uncomfortable with what they are seeing in our party. All the more, we know it is dangerous.
We as Democrats are marching in a parade with people Harry Truman or even Jack Kennedy would not recognize - socialist (also know as progressives) who think that Western civilization began in 1969. Strangely, without meaning to, we the mainstream Democrats find ourselves representing this socialist movement. However, for the "socialist" within our Democratic Party, there is nothing so strange about it. Socialists have always sought to leverage corruption for the sake of power.
Without doubt a large majority of our Democratic Party representatives in Washington are tainted by corruption, and the liberals among us are supporting the ideologies of progressives with their agendas based on moving our Nation deeper into a socialist form of government. This is a real threat to everything we hold sacred in America, and they are gaining evermore control over our Democratic Party, our Nation, and the American people.
As a result, our Democratic Party has already lost the equivalent of every member we have acquired over the past seven years or more, and many of them are now supporting the tea party. More importantly, a recent Newsweek cover declared, "We are all socialists now."
Meanwhile our middle-class families are looking for more than empty promises. They want to go back to work. And they want our Democratic Party representatives who run Washington to stop pursuing a big government, big spending agenda that includes a government takeover of health care, stimulus bills, a new national energy tax and taxpayer-funded bailouts.
In spite of everything our Democratic Party representatives in Washington will borrow $1.6 trillion this year, or about $15,000 for every household in the country. Over the next 10 years our federal government is expected to borrow an additional $8.5 trillion, and this is on top of the 12 trillion we currently owe. These figures are beyond being enormous, especially since we already pay one in seven dollars in interest.
Thank you, and God bless America
Eric Pearson, Democratic Party candidate for US Congress in the 5th district, Tennessee.
Site: http://www.democraticreformparty.com
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