Today a CNN-Time poll disclosed that GOP contender Carly Fiorina is now tied with Boxer.
But CNN's polling numbers appear to have been *ahem* skewed to make the incumbent Senator look competitive with Fiorina. Jim Geraghty notes that the internals of CNN's polls claimed that 18% of conservatives supported Boxer.
In possibly related news, one of Boxer's aides was just caught smuggling pot into the U.S. Senate.
A senior aide for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) was arrested Tuesday for attempting to bring marijuana into the Hart Senate Office Building, according to U.S. Capitol Police reports.
Marcus Stanley, who served as a senior economic adviser and at one time worked on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee — chaired by Boxer — was stopped by a police officer Tuesday morning when he allegedly tried to “remove and conceal” a leafy green substance from his pocket during a security screening... Stanley has worked on Capitol Hill since 2007, according to financial disclosure records from Legistorm, and draws a six-figure salary. He has also worked for the Joint Economic Committee.
No word on whether Boxer herself will be drug-tested.
Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!
As I understand it, drug testing is required for all public employees except those elected to office. Isn't that nice?
Not to mention security clearances.
He worked for the "Joint" Economic Committee. Just homework.
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