Last week it was Al Sharpton and the NAACP accusing the Tea Party conservatives of racism (never mind the roughly two dozen national conservative candidates of color). This week it's outright agitprop by a group called 'American Progress'. Hint: they're un-American and anti-progress.

Who are the evil '2%' -- the Bourgeoisie? Is it the police officer who is married to a flower-shop owner in San Diego, who together make over $200,000 in combined gross income? Or is it the 60-year old machine-shop owner in Tulsa who spent his entire life building a business that grosses slightly over $250,000? Are they the evil 'rich'?
For comparison purposes, consider this poster from the Soviet Union, circa 1950.

• The 'fat-cat' rich living in the lap of luxury? Check
• The down-trodden 'middle class' counting their pennies? Check
• The all-knowing, all-seeing government -- hidden from view, but certain to be far more efficient than the free market? Check and mate.
Gee, can anyone tell me how the Soviet Union turned out?
These leftist Democrats are so freaking stupid it makes me nauseous. History, facts, logic and reason make no difference to them. They blindly believe in and follow an ideology -- an ideology that has failed in every time and place it's been tried. But they believe in it with a religious fervor that can only be compared to that of a cult.
Yes: our current leaders are cultists.
It's November or never.
Now even Castro admits that it doesn't work.
It sure seems to work for the Castros, however. That family will never have to want for anything. The stupidity of the masses who support this nonsense solidifies permanent power and position of the "leaders" who impose poverty on the very dolts who thank them for the scraps thrown at them.
"These leftist Democrats are so freaking stupid it makes me nauseous. History, facts, logic and reason make no difference to them. They blindly believe in and follow an ideology -- an ideology that has failed in every time and place it's been tried. But they believe in it with a religious fervor that can only be compared to that of a cult."
YEP, indeed, well said, bingo, the whole 9, case in point, exactly, etc.
And we still get some fools who try to say some Democrats are "moderates - centrists", like Hillary Rodham Clinton, who tried to Nationalize Health Care behind closed doors back in the early 90's?
The Clintons were so incompetent, radical, corrupt, etc., the American Public ran to give control of the HOUSE to the Republicans after 40 years of Democrat monopoly rule.
And yet today, some seem to foolishly think only of image, and not of the actual record.
Billy and Hilly, lied about the end of the era of big GOV, and rushed to give us all one of the biggest tax increases in US History.
Democrats push this disastrous mess, designed to feed their Political Machine, ripping off TAXPAYERS for their own greed, every time, on every level, State, CITY, County, Federal.
They have made a disasater in NJ, CA, LA, MI, NY, etc., and will everytime, with massive taxation - obscene spending, to bribe their supporters.
Hillary Clinton ran on the SAME - exact Platform as Obama, and Democrats were bragging about it at the time.
There is no difference between these Disastrous Democratic Partisans. All, including those at Time, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Wired, PBS, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc., are completely insane.
They still are pushing Carter Malaise and Clinton Appeasement.
Never again, we must make the Democratic Party another memory, placed on the dust heap of the misguided.
And many Conservatives better get it together, as they scream about nonsense, ready to undermine Our own interests once again.
Tell the self destructive addicts, to wise up, this is not a game, we cannot afford to enable this crap anymore.
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