Monday, September 06, 2010

With 100% of the felon and deceased voting blocs in hand, SEIU wants amnesty for illegal aliens to add 8 million new Democrats to the rolls

A Labor Day reminder from NewsBusters: earlier this year, an SEIU executive stated that amnesty for illegal immigrants would 8 million new Democrat voters to the base.

If there are some old time, traditional JFK Democrats out there, they must be feeling a little overwhelmed. They are joined by the Democrat Socialists of America, ACORN, the SEIU, La Raza, CPUSA (Communist Party USA), the New Black Panthers, and various front groups funded by one-world globalists like George Soros.

There are no moderate Democrats any more. The party has ceased operating as a legitimate and lawful entity, because virtually every segment of its constituency is devoted, using one means or another, to the eradication of the United States Constitution.

And I dare anyone to challenge me on that.

Related: Study Confirms: Felons, Illegal Aliens (aka Undocumented Democrats) and Zombies elected Al Franken to U.S. Senate.

1 comment:

Mark Matis said...

You got that right! And please note that it's our fine friends in "Law Enforcement" who continue to enable them IN SPITE OF their oath to "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution..." Be sure to thank THEM appropriately for the outstanding job they have done in destroying this country!