Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Two news snippets sure to warm the cockles of your heart

Two news snippets, brought to our attention by Stratfor Research, help shine a spotlight on the impressive diplomatic achievements of SmartPower™.

A-bomb manufacturing equipment missing in Iran: Iran has officially denied the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) claim that critical nuclear enrichment equipment was discovered missing from a facility in Tehran. The "sensitive equipment... could be used to extract plutonium for an atomic bomb."

Radical Islamist group Muslim Brotherhood endorses former IAEA head Mohamed El Baradei: One of the most powerful groups of Islamist extremists in the world -- the Muslim Brotherhood -- says it will support Mohamed El Baradei's efforts to reform Egyptian politics.

The executive summary: the very man -- El Baradei -- who dissembled, deflected and delayed scrutiny of Iran's nuclear program is now in a position to help further destabilize Egypt. The former IAEA head is arguably the man most responsible for Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons; and El Baradei himself is endorsed by radical Islamists whose stated goal is to kill and/or convert the world's billions of infidels while it establishes a global Caliphate. Dee-lightful.

Those crazy, whacky nuts at the United Nations: they're worth every penny we spend on 'em.

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