Coming from the most radical and fiscally destructive House Speaker in American history -- who added $5 trillion in new deficits in just four short years -- this is comedy gold.
At her final press conference as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, "Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go."...When the Pelosi Democrats took control of Congress on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at [$8.67 trillion]. The last day of the 111th Congress and Pelosi's Speakership on December 22, 2010 the national debt was [$13.9 trillion] - a roughly $5.2 trillion increase in just four years. Furthermore, the year over year federal deficit has roughly quadrupled during Pelosi's four years as speaker, from $342 billion in fiscal year 2007 to an estimated $1.6 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2010.
With no end in sight.
Remember, folks -- try the roast beef special. And don't forget to tip your waitresses!
* On a military jet, no less!
Gee, you didn't even mention Nancy's taxpayer subsidized "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" vacation in Hawaii:
Queen Nancy might as well have gone on national TV, flipped a bird into the camera, and said, "Taxpayers, this is what I think of you."
She started her term as Speaker of the House with a lie (“You must drain the swamp if you are going to govern for the people.”), so why not go out with a lie, too?
Subtract from your chart the massive loss in revenues from the Bush recession, the trillions to fund Bush's wars that President Obama was left to slowly extricate us from, the trillions in lost revenue from the various Bush tax cuts, the massively expensive, unpaid for, new entitlement Medicare Part D...
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