
Time for Heads to Roll In New Black Panther Case: Adams
A.G. Conway's Brother Lied to Police, Got Off Easy: WashExam
Learn Your Lincoln, Mr. President: Hands Off Texas
'We Have Put the Fear of God into the Republican Party': Greenroom
Pledge of Allegiance is Off Limits at Debate: GWP
It's Come To This: Enfranchising Non-Citizens: TAB
'Harry Reid Is Not Closing Strong': JWF
A Break for 'Mob Banker': Feds Delay Report 'Til After Election: RWN
What Happens When Everybody's Smart?: Ric's RulezNo more bailouts for Fannie or Freddie: WashExam
CBO Confirms: ObamaCare Will Crush Employment: IBD
10 Reasons ObamaCare is Unravelling: WashExam
MI: losing billions due to forced unionization: BlogProf
Voldemort, CPA: Democrats Believe in Magical Accounting: Times
Pics from the Front: WZC’Mon, Feel the Hate: Driscoll
Purging NPR: MoneyRunner
Cliff Kincaid Confronts Dohrn and Ayers: AmPower
WikiLeaks Confirms: Iran Waging War on U.S. for Years: LegalIns
WikiLeaks Reveals Troops Did Find WMD In Iraq: Ace
NPR Doubles Down on Juan Williams – Says He’s “Unethical”: GWP
Why Soros gave his $1.8 million NPR grant: AT
Late Night Drudgtaposition: Althouse
Clarice's Pieces: Fox and Hens (A Terrible Week for the Media): AT
Krauthammer Directly Challenges Totenberg on NPR’s ‘Hypocrisy’: NewsBusters
“Where Did Shakespeare Take His Courses in Creative Writing?”: RWN
Koch and Senor sign joint letter supporting Phillips against Hinchey: MatzavObama Books Entire Taj Mahal Hotel – Teleprompter Junkie Fears Missiles And Spiked Food: SHN
Report: Michelle Obama to Meet With Commercial Sex Workers in India: Malkin
Furia Francese -- 21st-Century Version: AT
Is Cash-Strapped Britain Losing the Will to Defend Itself?: PJM
Tower Hamlets Becomes a Tiny Islamic Republic: TAB
Taliban Suicide Bomber Suffers From Premature Detonation Syndrome While Riding Motorcycle: WZ
Indict Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: AT
Report: American, Australian forced killed in the Stan after Dutch helicopters refused support: Telegraph
Was Moore's Law Inevitable?: Instapundit2010 Tech Industry Graveyard: NetWorld
What We Know About the Mac App Store: CNet
Could It Be? Our Fate is Sealed?: MOTUSSunday Book Thread: Ace
Anybody Looking for an Apartment?: RWN
Image: Convicted Shrew-slash-Terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, courtesy American Power
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Fire Crazy Alan Grayson -- Elect Daniel Webster
QOTD: "This is not an election on November 2. This is a restraining order." -- P.J. O'Rourke
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