Thursday, October 07, 2010

What's all this about Joran Van Der Sloot helping out Jerry Brown's campaign with an illegal immigrant housekeeper setup?

This Dan Riehl fellow has really bollixed things up again, what with asserting that Joran Van Der Sloot -- Natalie Holloway's accused killer -- is somehow mixed up with Gloria Allred and the Jerry Brown campaign and illegal immigrants and what not.

Everyone knows that Van Der Sloot is in prison and in trouble again for hosting a pot party behind bars!

These pajama-clad bloggers are really out-of-control. They don't have the layers and layers of fact-checking and double-checks like the real media does. I'm stating for the record that these bloggers need to be regulated somehow.

Perhaps one of the dedicated, non-profit groups that fact-check the media, like Media Matters for instance, could be put in charge of controlling the bloggers.

Because this whole Van Der Sloot thing is the straw that broke the camel's behind. We need real journalists on the case, not these fakes like Robert Stacy McCain. We need men like Dan Rather and Katie Couric and Bob Saget, for heaven's sakes.


Sissy Willis said...

I may be caught in the crossfire of internecine Alpha-male struggles, but as Dan and Stacy know, I'd do 'most anything for a link. ;D

Phil said...

Mark Van Der Hout
Joran Van Der Sloot

Wow, it took WAY too long for me to figure out they were two different people! :-)

Anonymous said...

Riehl slandered Castle, buying into the most absurd garbage about a phony "impeachment" vote.

It was pathetic, taking the most nutty conspiracy rumors and trying to give them a breath of reality.

He has been pushing the most insane GOP Conspiracy theories for years. Used to think it was tongue in cheek fun, but in reality Riehl is a really just not a reasoned source - unfortunately, as he has talent.

He just lacks stability and serious intelligent insight, even if he sits on the good side.

We have seen this before, with Polipundit, LGF, etc.

The enabling of the 'community' doesn't help, as the fashion grows with many just afraid to be honest, for the sake of acceptance, popularity, etc.

But in the long run, an irrational reactionary source can weaken the cause, ruin credibility of associates, especially if enabled and promoted.

Riehl has embarrassed himself time after time, and perhaps the most absurd thing was his expression towards Powerline, after they highlighted his Blog ages ago.

Anonymous said...

OK that post broke the pledge. It wasn't 75% snark free. It was 100% snark and damn fine snark at that!