The SEIU arrives, courtesy of your tax dollars, one would presume.

Child abuse. Apparently Mom never learned about the Soviet Union. Or Cuba. Or Zimbabwe. Or North Korea.

Note the guy in the American Flag t-shirt, which I assume is supposed to be sarcasm. Either that or he needs to be smacked with the clue-bat. Socialism represents the antithesis of the Constitution; or, put in terms most leftists can understand --- and I'll say it slowly for them --- "Socialism......... is......... anti-American."

Ohioans -- here's evidence that Governor Ted Strickland is doing a really, really good job (hint:
help out John Kasich here).

Based on the last four years of Democrat Congressional rule, the phrase "Jobs, Peace and Freedom" should read "Unemployment, Drones, and Economic Slavery." Is that what they meant?

Yes, socialism is the alternative: if you've never read a history book and you're exceedingly dimwitted. Do they make straitjackets any more? Because a few thousand were probably warranted today.

I would start with the education for this crew and not jobs. It's hard to get a job when you're immune to facts, logic, reason and history.

A delightful combination of law-breaking advocacy: terrorism, Marxism, illegal immigration and Balkanization of the U.S.

Note the book on the right: "The Jewish Question". Author not visible in the photo, but I'm guessing Heinrich Himmler. Folks, this is the modern left in action.

In case you didn't get the message, the Left wants Communism and amnesty for illegals. That sounds like a winning combination to me, if you like poverty, misery and -- ultimately -- economic collapse.

You know what's kind of crazy? Even
Castro's given up on Communism, but this bunch of leftist dimwits never got the memo!

As opposed to the 912 Rally, which left the Mall squeaky clean, this disgusting bunch of Socialists left the area a freaking mess, perhaps to create or save more cleanup jobs for the "workers".

It's times like this that I miss J. Edgar Hoover.
Bonus: Another freaking genius: "Fox News is Unconstitutional".
Bonus II: Unconfirmed, but this shot is reported to capture the Ed Schultzians mostly ignoring the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bonus III:
Animated GIF -- Compare and Contrast Crowd Shots: #OneNation vs. #912Hat tips: Americans for Prosperity, NamRamChap, Jenny Erikson and Techaskew. Linked by: Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, NewsBusters, BigJournalism, The Blaze, Dan Riehl, Protein Wisdom, Ed Driscoll, Legal Insurrection, Gateway Pundit, American Power, Memeorandum and TweetMeme. Thanks!
Thanks for posting these. The ninth one, on the right side.. "The Jewish Question", I find particularly repellent.
828 rally also picked up their trash, along with 912
"The Jewish Question" was written by Karl Marx
I'm all in favor of picking up the trash, but they had a First Amendment right to be there!
on 8/28 ,park rangers had to keep glenn beck and the tea baggers off the grass and off the statues - they had empty beer cans/bottles and cigarette butts all over the lawn! and trash cans tipped over
Yes, they certainly do have a First Amendment right to be there. No one is making the case that they don't. But remember, we also have the right to point out exactly who and what they are. And the right to mock and ridicule as we see fit.
at 8/28 I saw those toothless slack jawed racist white frothing at the mouths angry white people on television. No way did they pick up all of that litter. Those dirty old uneducated littering fools. They are not intelligent enough to know that they should clean up after themselves. This is a conspiracy.
Anonymous @ 8:52
No, that clearly is not true or images of it would have been all over the news. There were none. Wishing it were so does not make it so.
Here's the One Nation's sponsor's list: http://action.onenationworkingtogether.org/index.php/partners/
The Democrats just ought to get it over and merge with the CPUSA. : )
Great pictures Doug.
@8:53 Sorry, but you sound like an utter fool. Toothless? Right. Frothing at the mouth? Right. Dirty and uneducated? Right. You have no idea how stupid you are.
"Apparently Mom never learned about the Soviet Union. Or Cuba. Or Zimbabwe. Or North Korea."
Mom believes that she will be one of the well-pampered elites on the top of the heap. I've never met a self-described socialist who didn't believe they were too special to be a mere cog in the machine like you or me...much less disposed of once the real power holders are finished using them.
"The Jewish Question" was written by Bruno Bauer; Marx later wrote a response to this called "On the Jewish Question." The phrase expresses the discomfiture felt toward the apparent and persistent distinctness that the Jewish people have maintained. Indeed repellent to see, given that the answers offered to the "Jewish question" have generally been horrific.
Oh hey, you located the Socialist Party! Good thing, too, since so many of them are running for congress. Overton window = shifted.
But you're right about exposing these people for who they are. I bet there was a guy there with a placard for climate change awareness who drove home in an Expedition, which would be a complete and devastating refutation to liberalism.
Uh, hello, five seconds with Amazon.com, and you'll find that "The Jewish Question" here was written by Abram Leon, and it: Traces the historical rationalizations of anti-Semitism to the fact that, in the centuries preceding the domination of industrial capitalism, Jews emerged as a "people-class" of merchants, moneylenders, and traders. Leon explains why the propertied rulers incite renewed Jew-hatred in the epoch of capitalism's decline.
Nothing to do with Himmler, but nice work on Godwin'ing your own thread.
Far fewer people than at the 9/12 or Beck rallies, yet more trash.
Pedant alert: Marx wrote "On the Jewish Question". Without the "On" it could be any number of works, most of the Marxist FWIW.
Too funny... Regardless of who showed up, they are allowed to support whatever they choose. It's freedom, suck it up.
The rally did end up drawing more supporters than the Beck bookselling event. That's a fact.
As well, another little known fact is that all those pictures showing how 'clean' Beck's bookselling rally was were taken the following day - AFTER it was cleaned up by the mall crew.
Silly tea-baggers - frothing at the mouth in envy at the re-awakening of America to the destruction the right-wing tea-baggers have done to America.
@anonymous at 10:23
Denial is a funny thing. You know when CBS says there were far less people at OneNation than 828, it has to be true. Keep having mental breakdowns over how much you hate the Tea Party, though. Nobody's stopping you.
deficit talk
Great photos. I think there are a few drones showing their ignorance in your comments though. The facts are easy enough to discern if the drones would bother to look at the photos showing the crowd at Beck's rally as opposed to the socialist march they can see the numbers for Beck's rally were far superior.
I for one will be voting for the Tea Party on November 2nd!
I hate the middle-class
I believe everyone should have the opportunity to lose their health coverage for no reason
I believe we should out-source every job out there to pad the bottom line
Wow. Talk about a frothing tea bagger who doesn't even know what "Socialism" is or that it differs dramatically from "Communism".
Go read a book, dumbass.
Track-back, 'Crowds 'Less Dense' For 'One Nation' Protest in D.C.'.
hahaha....Socialism is different than communism in name on, for these people. They're cloaking Communism in the name "Socialism", not to mention that you're stealing money from people who rightfully earned to fund your pet programs that no right (and this doesn't meant right of center, you retard, it means "correct") minded AMERICAN wants.
Keep swillin' the kool-aid though.
It's apparent you haven't the brains with which to breathe.
For the anonymous poster who said that Socialism and Communism are different, explain this: The Soviet Union was Communist. U.S.S.R. stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Communism and Socialism are the same.
Anonymous, for someone who thinks they are so incredibly brilliant and right you sure are scared to even identify yourself. Shows the true lack of backbone by you and you liberal cabal ilk. Try again when you go to the big boy store and get yourself a pair and when you have an actual argument the is based on fact and NOT what you "think" or "feel".
This blog is satire, right?
Anoymous, (person who is to frightened to leave a link) I was at the 8/28 rally, I took pictures as I left, visible on my blog. Taken the day of the Rally.
Your ignorant attempt at insult only serves to display your very low IQ.
Doug, I linked you on my blog today. Great pictures.
Not sure who posted it, and it may not be accurate, but this pic looks to be a photo of the One Nation crowd ignoring the Pledge of Allegiance. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dwotto/5045434182/in/pool-1509719@N20/
Not many people showed up.
Just go ahead and bring it on all you Marxist swine. It's obvious there can be no more coexistence under one system of government with you people. So come on, let's see your dictatorship of the proletariat. Communism is going down for the count this time. Worm food, the lot of you.
I see a lot of conservative ignorance displayed in these comments.
Freedom of thought and expression are American values . . . so if people want to think "socialism," that's their right. It's not "anti-American."
That said, is there any island of sanity still left . . . somewhere between socialism, and using the Bible as a public school textbook (ref: Iowa Republican Party platform) ???
Just a bunch of the fractious fringe. I borrowed some of the pics, full credit given, to share on my blog.
Wouldn't you say the book "The Jewish Question" is racist? Um, yeah. Yet, where's the MSM on these squeeky clean Marxist, Socialists, Communists that have finally come out of the closet and shown, from the garbage, their true colors?
"Based on the last four years of Democrat Congressional rule, the phrase "Jobs, Peace and Freedom" should read "Unemployment, Drones, and Economic Slavery." Is that what they meant?"
I see you've not yet been properly reeducated. Report to the Ministery of Truth at the earliest opportunity.
It's for your own good.
When you're right you're right, and when you're wrong you're left.
This obamination will be stopped starting this November. I think the looneys in office thought that 'we the people' would roll over. I am extremely grateful to say that the conservative majority in this country has been awoken like a sleeping giant. RESET!
Thanks for posting these. I suspect we'll see more over the next several days.
Remember the story of the scorpion who begged the frog to swim across the water while he rode on the frog's back. He promised not to sting the frog, but do so anyway despite that the scorpion drowned also.
Scorpions will behave like scorpions after all! These pictures show the scorpions at work!
Can you imagine the STINK that must have emanated from that crowd of hippies, illegals, and drug addicts? Someone should have gotten a picture of the fly swarm. I wonder how many of them left with fresh infestations of lice and bedbugs in their clothing. The Park Police should have thrown bars of soap into the crowd and turned the fire hoses on them.
A quote from the Mootsa Gootsa Society. Our society was created for the poor people that still believe in free enterprise. What happened to the American Dream? Poor people have a chance to climb the ladder of success using free enterprise. We need a government that supports free enterprise, not one the wants to ruin a persons chance to succeed.
Just when I thought I had run out of motivation to carry on with the fight against the progressives and leftists .............
I tried to find that book "The Jewish Question" using Google....no luck.
The Jewish Question has been asked since the French Revolution - it is basically - what to do with the Jews.
In WWII, once the Jews were being extinguished in the ovens - the Germans announced they had the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question"
These are socialists who often argue their difference from national socialism and Hitler.
I would have to say the presence of this book would lead me to disagree with that premise.
Now if only the people in the Jewish community would quit voting on family tradition - the Dems would lose a powerful bloc
I wonder if they'll wake up and smell the approach of a new old evil.
Who needs terrorists when you have the gang of Jon Stewart and Obama running wild through the streets. I'm arming up even if it means collecting soda cans to have the license fees for a NY permit. These people are a threat to freedom and the American way of life
Looks like there were easily dozens of protesters!
Common Cents
I like these photos better.
Who needs terrorists when you have the gang of Jon Stewart and Obama running wild through the streets. I'm arming up even if it means collecting soda cans to have the license fees for a NY permit. These people are a threat to freedom and the American way of life
Well, okay then psycho. Just be sure you don't murder anyone.
Great pictures, thank you. It is amazing to me how many talented graphic artists there are in that group that they made perfectly lettered signs - and so many with catchy phrases (and words too big for them to understand). I suspect with the number of Hispanic people I saw on cspan, that they would like to go back to the kind of life they escaped from. Must not have a clue why they were there - probably thought it was a field trip to the nation's capital.
Thanks. I am going to link this to my blog at "Tea Party -- One Lump or Two?" (www.teapartiers.blogspot.com). I walked through this crowd as it was dispersing, on my way from 23rd and M to 11th and E yesterday between 3 and 4 pm as I was going to see "Waiting for Superman."
Since MSLSD always tells us how unattractive they find tea partiers, let me say I saw four groups of people leaving this march: mainly, fat, beer bellied, badly dressed late 50s/early 60s men and women (black and white, but curiously not Asian or Hispanic) with union t shirts, dumb looks, and bad haircuts; a small number of late 20s and early 30s hipsters, multiply pierced, in red Communications Workers of America t-shirts; a few grizzled and emaciated Veterans for Peace (the only group I had any sympathy with, since their president has lied to them most of all); and a sprinkling of hairy, bearded graduate students and their boyfriends and girlfriends.
To the various commentators who continue to point to The Jewish Question as an example of racism, one commentator has already noted that it is in fact a book arguing that anti-semitism was a product of class conflict.
It look ten seconds on Google Books to find the exact edition that was on sale at this rally.
Use your heads, folks.
I find it simply amazing there are so many that have been dubbed by Obama. No matter how you conjure it, there is no way this rally compared to the Beck rally. That said, Beck didn't have to hire unions and organizations to show up. It just baffles my mind that anyone can this that this liberal president and congress majority has done anything of note but hurt America.
Sad that MSM liberal media will ignore these photo's. Could anyone imagine this in JFKs days? He was a devout anti communist. This is not the Dem party of JFK anymore. Sad to say.
Here's Amazon's description of "The Jewish Question:" "Traces the historical rationalizations of anti-Semitism to the fact that, in the centuries preceding the domination of industrial capitalism, Jews emerged as a "people-class" of merchants, moneylenders, and traders. Leon explains why the propertied rulers incite renewed Jew-hatred in the epoch of capitalism's decline."
IOW, it's not anti-semitic, but is against anti-semitism.
I was amused by the playing of the NWO theme song "Imagine" and then our national anthem with so many No War activists attendees.
To Anon who said park rangers had to keep Beck rally attendees from tossing beer cans/lounging on statues...I certainly didn't see any of that on that day. I know plenty of NPS workers and also attended the rally. Our area was spotless when I left and people were actually walking around with trash bags asking people if they had anything to RESPONSIBLY toss. Imagine that....taking responsibility....something that the progressive environmental groups who attended the Commie rally cannot grasp. I gather that you're counted among the latter group.
Wow you wingnuts sure do have a lot to prove about a rally that you don't care about.
The fat slovenly Obama sheeple following their masters to rallies like this are not interesting in themselves. Whether their small numbers will be magnified by the the Demwit whore media and how desperate and bat shit crazy their leaders like Pig Schultz become is of some interest and amusement.
More coverage here:
Anyone who has ever attended a large event with both Lefties and Righties in attendance knows who the real agitators and scumbags are. And in most cases, you can just look at people --- their style of dress, their hair styles, the overall demeanors ---- and know with a large degree of accuracy with which group they belong. Leftists are generally just angry, low-class dregs.
Did someone post this above already?
R, what you should find repellent is the horrible misrepresentation of the author's life who wrote that book that this blog has done.
Why don't you post picture of all the American flags instead? Heck, the American flag was the event's LOGO. Flag were being waved ALL OVER THE PLACE. Not in isolated spots, like some clown holding socialist signs.
Or wouldn't that suit your agenda?
Does the fact that the author of that book died in one of Himmler's most notorious death camps even matter to the operators of this blog?
"The Jewish Question" shown in the picture was written by Abram Leon, and the premise of Leon's book is that capitalism causes anti-semitism. Fits in pretty well with the anti-capitalist/socialist theme of the rally. Ignores the prevalent anti-semitism in leftist theology.
Iggy this blog post is clearly labelled the 15 photos the legacy media will not show; not the ones it will show and that one can see anywhere.
It is so sad that so many of you Leftovers were lobotomized at public skrewl and will never function on a human level again.
There is class warfare going on in this country and the ultra-rich are out to get the last of your paycheck - if you still have one.
If you don't get it now, you will.
We don't need less social security, we need more - more benefits when we are old, homeless or sick.
Give me European style socialism, or FDR style democracy any day - its better than becoming a slave to some corporate welfare queen who sits around the pool all day drinking on daddy's money.
Let's bring back the 94% tax on the ultra rich that we had under Eisenhower (R), and get out of these BS wars, and our country will be fine!
KeithDB it is perfectly obvious to any well read person, even recovering Leftovers like Susan Sontag, that statism leads to racism and anti-semitism.
When one collectivizes resources one pits racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, age and sexual orientation groups against each other for access to schools, healthcare, research funds, etc etc.
In addition, the inevitable failure of government intervention leads to a search for scapegoats, and the existence of concentrated state power attracts morally base people who want to use it as a cudgel, as Hayek demonstrated in "The Road to Serfdom."
The Obama regime is already one step away from screaming "Juden!" everyday, as they only attack heavily Jewish groups (doctors, insurance brokers, Wall Street traders, higher income tax payers, etc.)
Funny, the same thing happened after the BO inauguration:
Here's a video showing the same thing from the recent DC rally: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=76a_1286092631
It's always someone else's responsibility to clean up the mess.
The Leftover media admit now that they found their shindig disappointing and that they know its purpose was to manage their own anger at their own regime:
After Obama signs the UN Treaty on the Convention for the Rights of the Child and we will have state raised children instead of parent raised children.....then people will know what Socialism and Communism really is!
See: www.parentalrights.org
If a person drops their trash instead of placing it in a trash container, they are just plain slobs.
Does not matter about who comes along to clean up, there should be no need for clean up.
I pray GOD has a good fix-it plan, because we certainly need it! Not much hope left in today's society, but at age 70, I keep on workin' to make change wherever I can.
To many people that believe life should be an "easy street"! There is no Utopia!!
Bruce, even if every word you said is true how does that justify calling a man who risked his life fighting Nazis and died in one of Himmler's death camps Himmler? Yes, Leon was a Marxist who despised capitalism. So call him that. But he died resisting Himmler and the only anti-semitism is that which converts his name to Himmler's. It's a disgusting lie that's posted on this blog. The truth of his life is the opposite of what's posted with that picture and that should be respected.
wwdovew, I have a couple of questions.
1. Have you ever read the Constitution? Do you know that Obama merely signing the treaty does not ratify it under our Constitution and that it also requires a 2/3s vote of Congress? I mean based on what you said, I'm just wondering.
2. The United States is one of only two nations in the world that has yet to ratify this Convention (the only other one is Somalia which says it plans to). In all those other nations, you know like Canada, Mexico, Great Britian, France, Japan, South Korea, etc, is the State now raising all the children and instead of parents?
I've been to Tea Party events in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Orange County, Beverly Hills... even Searchlight Nevada.
These people do NOT leave litter behind. I've seen them policing up; I've walked with them and helped.
I've also been to major ANSWER and EarthDay, whatever events in Los Angeles. These people would crap in their own beds and expect someone else to clean it up. Absolute pigs.
"A communist is a socialist in a hurry with a gun." --John Loeffler
Who do we owe our debt to and what is their style of government?
You guessed it. Communism.
Socialism does not equal communism. What these people are advocating is not the political/economic system that existed in the USSR and which continues to kind of exist in China, Cuba, etc. They are advocating something more approaching the European model, though a more extreme version of that one, methinks.
Democratic socialism is not anti-American, FYI. If anything, it's the closest approximation of the popular sovereignty upon which our nation was founded, so take your buzz words and your empty rhetoric and leave debate to the intellectual big kids.
Keith DB
I keep both the US Constitution and the Michigan Constitution on my desk and open. I make notes on them almost daily.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child has already been ratified in the House and is close to being done so in the Senate. We are getting close to that 2/3's you mentioned.
Obama has already stated he will sign the treaty once it gets to him. Lucky US!
On a daily basis I fight the Child Protective System which removes children from parents 80% of the time using false allegations.
That is not to say that some parents need to have their children removed. But, CPS is a business that makes money from YOUR Social Security Title IV to remove children from parents and sell them into slavery through adoption.
Every person that touches the CPS cases makes money, including the judges who get it added to their retirement fund.
These children grow up not knowing who or where they came from and have many emotional problems. So eventually they make it into our prisons and we get to pay for them all over again!
Unless a parent can be criminally prosecuted (how many of those do you hear about), children need to remain in their bio families. There is much funding available to help a parent learn how to parent, if they did not have good parents to teach them.
Upon becoming of age children almost entirely go back to their bio families. This proves that if we had assisted those families instead of condemning them for some inability to parent, our nation would have saved a lot of money. We also would not be destroying the basis of our society, which is the family.
Check into Canada, England, Australia, etc. and see how many children get removed from parental care. This is big business. CPS takes children one by one presently. What do you think they will do when the UN has committees for kids to run to and complain about their parents. They will be taken in masses!
If you do not know what CPS is truly doing in this nation, please check it out. I did not. I believed they were saving children. But, they are selling children for profit. Our legislators in Washington are involved in all of this.
Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband were just murdered, because she was going to expose the system of CPS. She wanted the CPS abolished for its evil. See her You Tube videos.
The UN Treaty on the Rights of The Child will undermine our nation. It gives no direction allowed from parents in the raising of their children. Parents get only to breed......and that might even get controlled!
Our constitution does not allow us not to abide by treaties. Other countries do not have the same constitution and they may pick and choose what they want to abide by.
Aerial shots here:
"The Jewish Question" was written by Bruno Bauer. "On the Jewish Question" was written by Marx. It's not clear which one that it, but neither was a Nazi book. The term was neutral before the Holocaust.
What's next? "The Gay Science" held up as an example of the Pink Hand?
Those who attended Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally, can see November AND John Boehner from their houses.
Those who attended Obama's Destroying America Rally yesterday, do not have a chance of pushing any of their communist, socialist, Marxist agendas.
Here's the info on "The Jewish Question" book pictured:
Karl Marx via Leon Trotsky.
It's at Amazon too with a diff cover.
And it's the left complaining about us heading towards another Kristalnacht?
I really don't know why there is so much concern about the Jewish book....let's face it, most of the people at the rally could not read anyway. Between the teacher's unions and parents that do not want their kids to learn for fear of loosing their SSI benefits is it any wonder....just makes for even more future welfare slavery!
The ignorance in this blog is outstanding.
Boy oh boy, the right wing really is desperate aren't they? First off, as for the size of the rally no one will ever know for sure I guess:
Especially if you go by Beck's inflated statistics. But you have to pay attention to something that one one is acknowledging, and that is that Beck pumped his rally for months on Fox and even scheduled it on the anniversary of an actual intellectually honest and historic rally held by Dr. Martin Luther King. I didn't even hear about the One Nation rally until it happened, and they still drew a fairly large crowd.
Secondly, all you people that are equating Communism to Socialism are morons, and it typical right wing fashion, have no idea what you're talking about. You want to know why? I can sum it up for you in one sentence:
ever notice the dissenting voices on this who support the douchebags who littered the Mall this weekend prefer to remain "anonymous" for the most part?
Cowardice is a trait I find very prevalent among those on the Left.
It's almost like knowing that there are people who worship the devil and false gods (Muslims, Marxists, pagans, etc.) but when you actually see someone engaging in it, it's mind-boggling. Here we have an anonymous figure to scared to come forth with an identity but not to shy about beating your heads over who wrote a stupid book! Of course he/she knows who wrote it, it's their heritage, they must know! Jonestown was a mess! Looks like we're heading right back for that one eh Mr. Anonymous Marxist?
I was there. These pics are not representative of the group that was there--Yes there were some fringe groups out there and a lot of that trash you see is from people refusing to take that bullshit literature they were handing out. There were some teabaggers there too, and I think the folks handing out that communist junk got a pile of union shirts and made out like they were legit because they were separate from the others.
There were a few fringe groups, the main crowd tried to stay away from them. In one of the pics, the guy with the American flag on his shirt was a machinist. We all had those shirts on, he must have gotten separated from the rest of us. And, BTW, we love America just as much as you do. I saw that socialist group there. They were together, chanting, "Obama ain't no socialist, we are, we are." Needless to say, we did not fall in behind them. They were also handing out literature, no takers. I would estimate there were about 100 of them, maybe. These rest of the estimated 175,000 were everyday Americans--lots of teachers, machinists, pipefitters, doctors, lawyers, young, old, black, white, babies in strollers,etc. It was a tremendously inspiring event. BTW, your tax dollars did not pay for me or my husband to attend. We did out of our own pockets.
Wonderful article,thanks for putting this together! "This is obviously one great post. Thanks for the valuable information and insights you have so provided here. Keep it up!"
I just feel the need to say this because I have been so upset and yet quite scared all day at the response from the liberals on this issue. This morning I made a simple respectful remark about it and how I found it insulting that anyone would leave the WW2 Memorial trashed the way they did. My comment was deleted and i was blocked from any other comments. So I deleted myself. The first comment I heard back was that they knew others were going to clean it up. Hmm imagine that. The second was that the Union workers were going to be there to clean that up. Now this is my comment to that. Arent the left the ones that tell us on the right that we wont do the jobs of the hispanics? Apprently you dont either. So here is my further comment. By trashing the sacred grounds of our fore fathers and heroes only shows the lack of respect that you have for anyone. By allowing others to clean up your mess, only tells me you want me to pay for your mess. By throwing trash on the floor is just the root of the issue. How dare you lazy lazy people even think that way. I was at the Beck rally only because i had busines in DC that weekend. There was not 1 piece of trash on the floor. If you do not respect this country, then feel free to leave this country. By depending on others to do something as simple as picking up your trash, to me you are trash. Let me also state that I am the grand daughter of 2 WW2 vets and a current army wife. You disrespect the freedoms that those gave you. So next time that you want to practice freedom of speech, lets not be the typical hypocritical self and trash the memory of those that died to give you that right. You should be ashamed of yourself. Even JFK would be ashamed of all of these people and is turning in his grave.
Anonymous knows everything. I am from a European country and cannot judge this matter, but I know that people who want to stay anonymous are cowards...
It is sadly ironic that the photo of the child holding the banner promoting "Socialism for the 21st Century" (photo #2) is standing in front of the WWII memorial.
Lenin called these types of people "useful idiots".
As I sit here and read the posts I am amused nay bemused that the leftists cite the constitution. “They have the right to……”. But, of course not ever the second amendment. Did not history teach that when a country turns to communism/socialism the first thing out the window is free speech and, the first against the wall are the free speakers
There is no need to castigate the minority for being what they are. There is a need to recognize the danger they are to themselves and remove any ability they may seek to harm anyone else with. Title 50 sec 842 should be applied to these folks in earnest. Any act such as voter fraud, violence of any sort or signing on to organizations that have already done illegal acts but await a competent and uncorrupted executive to prosecute them are all in line to a federal penn where voting rights may be secured from their unAmerican numbers.
Looks like the far left and the far right have much in common...both have a hunger for fruitcake.
Having lived in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) as a young man, I'm convinced that the one key feature of maintaining a firm and committed belief in Socialism is to have never had any contact with it, lived, or visited a society where there was (as they used to say,) "real, living Socialism".
I went to DC on Saturday with my kids not knowing that this rally was going on. i was very frustrated with the trash and garbage being left behind have these people no respect??? i was also annoyed with them comin gup to me trying to push their political views and agendas on me. I should have made my own sign "I dont care about your views, now get the fuck away" So much for enjoying a day in the nationas capital with kids trying to see the monuments.
I was there on 9/12 and I have footage to show we left no trash and that's because us "teabaggers" have respect and dignity.
Liberals are uneducated and lack respect for anything.
Reading some of the comments here it became clear that the comments from the lefties here resemble the people in the photo's... anyone else notice that they both leave nothing but garbage behind too?
This is interesting too: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=39262
Close, Doug - except it's not Klueless Kasich people should be supporting to oppose Socialist Strickland. There is actually a really good option in this race; for once, we don't have to choose the lesser of two evils. Ken Matesz is running as an outstanding alternative to either of the two main party candidates. Ohioans serious about reforming state government need to check out http://www.mateszforohio.com/
I see a lot of people are questioning the pamphlet The Jewish Question, but don't you remember the Weather Underground Organization that was bombing government buildings in protest of the Vietnam war? They protested violence with more violence. Go figure. The founders, and the heads of the 7 Weatherman Collectives were all Jews, and the violent Weatherman Underground Organization is often defined as a Jewish-run organization.
Proof: No one is questioning their First Amendment rights. I am questioning their lack of integrity, honor, and charity. They had no consideration, respect, nor common courtesy.
Anon: I challenge you to show evidence of your charges of 8/28 attendees climbing on monuments, tipping over trash cans,and throwing beer cans. Beer cans are not allowed on the mall, full or empty. All the photos, news videos, and private videos show a shiny and clean mall.
About the "Trash Debate" , I was there on 9-28 and I saw no trash on the ground except where the trash cans were not big enough and they "overflowed" around the can. I did see responsible people in the crowd that brought their own trash bags to keep their trash in!! Also, considering we were as crowded as "sardines" I experienced only polite considerate people being nice to one another!! It was a GREAT DAY!! for this country!!
Excuse me, I meant 8-28 !!
Anon: I wasn't talking about 9/28. The event was on 10/2.
This is bad
Obama needs the unions which are the basis of any socialist movement. Good Morn America is nothing but a third world news propaganda organization that no one watches anylonger. Why oh why do you suppose they would view the Tea Party and portray it at its worse, signs and all and then use the socialist and communist United Day to make it clean and other than what it was? They are a part of the socialist agenda Obama is trying to get the media to buy into. Only Fox is not buying into the socialist agenda and so the real face of the socialist movement sponsored by the unions of America were represented in Washington and pathethic was the cause.
To those that say communism and socialism are not the same, and then say the people who supposedly think they are stupid, I have a news for you... Communism and Socialism are about the redistribution of wealth. Socialism is the last stage before communism in Marxism. Marx ~ "race towards communism in stages...first stage was feudalism, then capitalism and socialism and the final stage communism". Everyone notice how the left think they are intellectually superior but I have yet to find one in real life that wasnt a complete idiot and didnt look like they needed a shower. Not talking about the latte liberals that only vote to be cool but the die hard socialist type
"We the Living" by Ayn Rand, a must read to understand why America needs to stay a Capitalistic society.
Is it coincidence that when I try to link to this page on my facebook wall, it "randomly" (?) uses this comment as the description???:
"on 8/28 ,park rangers had to keep glenn beck and the tea baggers off the grass and off the statues - they had empty beer cans/bottles and cigarette butts all over the lawn! and trash cans tipped over."
Pictures of the cannon fodder for the far left extremist elites. These people don't realize just what their masters have in store for them.
I saw these pictures earlier today and everytime I see them I am beyond shocked at the outrageous mess left behind, an even though it's been pointed out already, the Restoring Honor Rally people left the area even cleaner than they found it. I would say a picture indeed speaks volumes! Sure would like to see these pictures on the national news!!
You guys know that these leftist fools never let facts,pictures,even their own words and past deeds get in the way of the lie that's currently coming from their mouth at any given time. We have heard enough from you libs, the "adults" are going to take it from here. And I signed my name you chicken-shit socialists. Danny O'Donnell
There was a horrible mess left on the DC Mall after the Black Family Reunion on Sept 11. I attended the 9-12 rally the following day and saw what was left behind. A shocking difference. Police told us that Republicans always leave the grounds clean but Democrats ALWAYS trash the grounds costing us many thousands of $$ for the cleanup. Shameful!!
OMG! America Wake Up Look Whats Happening!!! People Things are Getting Worst! Stand UP Take Back OUR COUNTRY !!! One Nation Under GOD..Im Sick of what I see..Stand up for whats Right!!! Forget Parties...
Great photos. Judging by the disparity in turnout numbers, perhaps we are not going to become the new USSR (United States Socialist Republic) after all. That must be a great disappointment to our current administration.
Here's the trash the 8/28 rally left
For the person who insisted that on 8/28 there were beer cans and cigarette butts all over the place, you obviously were not there, do not know what you are talking about and are getting your information from some anti-Beck site. I was there, along with AT LEAST a half-million other people. There was not a piece of trash to be seen except that piled around trash cans and it was bagged! Seeing the trashing of the beautiful WWII Memorial made me want to cry and tells me all I need to know about the people who attended this rally on Saturday.
Anon: "Obama needs the unions which..." Yeah, I agree with your posts. Unfortunately, there are too many people posting as Anonymous, so I don't know which is which. I respect the replies of everyone, but when people are hiding behind the curtain it makes a dialog difficult. Thanks for your feedback.
Danny O: The libs like to hijack part of a quote from John Adams. They don't say it, they live it. "Facts are inconvenient things."
Let's look at the "Jewish Question" in context of the rally. The book, as its premise, states that anti-Semitism is linked to class warfare. Socialist progressives use class warfare as a tool. Perhaps certain elements were trying to make a point to their socialist progressives brethren, but I doubt they caught the irony.
Y'all might like this
I find your website to be unintelligent and repellent.
I was at 9/28. It was a massive crowd of courteous patriots of all ages - some diversity present but yes mostly caucasian [shudder!]who left the whole place IMMACULATE.
It was definitely more diverse and much bigger than Al Sharpton's non-event held the same afternoon...
Whine on you leftist losers.
sorry - 8/28 not 9/28...
I found "The Jewish Question" by Abram Leon on amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/Jewish-Question-Marxist-Interpretation/dp/0873481348/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1286329246&sr=1-1
From a review, "Abram Leon, a young Belgian revolutionary who died fighting in the resistance to the Nazis in World War II, shows how anti-Semitism and capitalism are linked. "
This whole group of people need to leave my country. They do not deserve or understand what it is to be an American. Shame on them.
I guess if the One Nation Rally had months and months of self promotion like Glenn Beck and Fox news did for the tea baggers and had the Koch brothers rent buses for them humm then maybe it would have been a bigger crowd. ROTFLMAO
I didn't see anyone state the obvious fact. Now only was the turnout much lower (looks like orders of magnitude lower), but as at least one of the picture showed, the unions were bussed in from various locations. That's not a grass roots American movement, like the Tea Party, it's a Union movement to flex their power. They are destroying American competitiveness and bankrupting state and county governments all over the country. Especially in CA.
Yeah! Let's show those Russians how it's done...
A few Facts, Not Opinions.
1. Castro admitted recently "The Cuban model" (Communism) doesn't work.
2. Most of Europe, in pariticular UK, Greece, France and Swedeland are becoming LESS Socialized. Yes, Less. They have realized they can't afford the costs and promises. Fact, yes ?
UK - cutting welfare roles and money. France- raising retirement age. Greece- Gawd, where do I start ?!
I have read through the comments and see a clear divide between the left and right (duh). I am a 45 year old ex-government (read police officer) employee who spent many years defending the rights of citizens. As a result, I have seen "well meaning" government programs in depressed neighborhoods do nothing but suck the hope from people, spawn crime and actually discourage positive forward momentum for society. I have spent time in Europe and witnessed the programs to "assist" people simply make things worse than in the good old USA.
I will say this. I am tired of paying for everyone else to fund their pet government run projects. I am tired of global warming, taxes, political rhetoric and the feeling that I am supposed to throw my hard earned dollars into a pot where everyone gets a "fair" share. This is AMERICA! I refuse to take another step into socialism, communism or whatever the flavor of the day is. Like many of my rational and non-conspiracy theory friends and professional acquaintances, we have started collecting supplies and the all-important necessities to hold out and wade through the coming unrest of our nation. I am prepared to meet whatever happens head on.
This is what the left is so afraid of. Normal, law abiding citizens that are middle aged, have resources and have had enough. Like many, I have come to a place where my resolve is stronger than my fear. God help us all.
Doug Ross @Journal represents a continuous appeal to the inner swine in human beings. Remarkable only in its success in ceaselessly mobilizing human stupidity.
Cons and teabaggers are so amusing. Just make stuff up and it becomes fact. Now you're going to have to actually do more than say no, or think that socialism is actually going on in this country -- although if it was it would certainly be legal and would be a damn sight better than naked free market capitalism that you Gault idiots love so much. Pretty funny stuff.
Really pathetic blogging.
Socialism is not communism - that's your first mistake.
When you start using captions like "This filthy bunch of socialists..." you start sounding like a fascist pig.
I'm a proud Democratic Socialist, smart and educated enough to know that socialism is not communism; in fact, democratic socialists have historically been some of the staunchest anti-communists in the world.
I'm also smart enough not to fall for Glenn Beck's and Fox News' lies, distortions, and propaganda.
Wow gym you don't sound very intelligent. A democratic socialist pointed out in the 80s (Susan Sontag) that her fellow leftists had been enablers for fascism and Stalinism and genocide.
As for Beck, the reason quislings like you repeat your masters' rants against him is that he effectivelu exposes your lies.
Cry loser, cry.
Hey gym: Before you start tossing that "fascist pig" insult at others, maybe you should do some research on the activities of that staunchly anti-communist socialist organization known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
I believe it is accurate to say that Zimbabwe was not a Socialist government. Mugabe did use death squads from North Korea, but North Korea is not socialist either according to an objective comparison to socialist text and philosophy. It perhaps would be more accurate to describe those governments as oligarchy as they both operated for the benefit of a privileged few; the exact opposite of socialism. Socialism is not necessarily a recipe for destruction, take Norway or Sweden for example. Of course, those models probably wouldn't work in the US, but it is important to realize that totalitarian rule is not necessarily a result of the ideology, but a result of those that pervert it. "Democracy" can also be used to enslave, as our own country has shown.
Yes, they certainly do have a First Amendment right to be there. No one is making the case that they don't. But remember, we also have the right to point out exactly who and what they are. And the right to mock and ridicule as we see fit.
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