In April of 2008, I began posting occasional summaries of Larwyn's collections. It was through these collections that I discovered the consistent genius of Michelle Malkin, Mark Levin, Thomas Lifson's American Thinker, Roger Simon's Pajamas Media, Jim Hoft's Gateway Pundit, Don Surber, Dan Riehl, Protein Wisdom, Jammie Wearing Fool, The Anchoress, Fausta Wertz, The Gates of Vienna, Vanderleun, Lorie Byrd, The People's Cube, and many, many others.
Larwyn has been less active of late, having been waylaid with some health issues that make it difficult to spend significant time at the computer, but the beat goes on through the mailing lists that still energize much of the conservative blogosphere.
And, unlike a few less generous blogs out there that discourage blog-pimping (PoliPundit, I'm looking at you), I welcome notes and links of interest. After all, how can the "Army of Davids" get messages out if not proactively communicating with one another?
How many Davids have benefited from the unceasing generosity of Glenn Reynolds or Michelle Malkin? How many bloggers have been inspired by them? I think it fair to say that they represent the Godparents of the conservative blogosphere. And that is, in part, why Larwyn's Linx exists.
But now I have a few questions for you, our seven regular readers:
1. Do you like Larwyn's Linx or does it suck?
2. Too many links? Too few?
3. What would make it better?
4. Should Biff Spackle be promoted, finally, from Junior Cub Reporter (Level I) to Assistant Cub Reporter?
Unvarnished feedback is always appreciated, the more candid the better.
I love it. Larwyn's Linx is the main reason I check this site each day. I like your posts, as well, but the site would not be the same for me without that daily collection.
It's like another "Blogs Lucianne Loves" or politicsofdestruction(dot)com or Drudge Report or JohnMcternan(dot)name for me...a great collection of what someone else thinks are must-read links.
Larwyn's Linx I great as a starting point for the day's reading, and it fills in well until you post here later that evening Eastern time. Stick with her please!
After checking Drudge, this site is the next stop while I'm having my morning coffee. One of the reasons is Larwyn's links. Don't change a thing.
I like it just the way it is. easy to read and informative. It's where I start my days research on what is what.
I note this one anon commented the very same way I would've: "After checking Drudge, this site is the next stop while I'm having my morning coffee"...
Larwyn's Linx are golden as is...
Good stuff!
1. Do you like Larwyn's Linx or does it suck? LIKE!
2. Too many links? Too few? JUST RIGHT IMO
3. What would make it better? We engineers have a saying - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You should heed that advice.
4. Should Biff Spackle be promoted, finally, from Junior Cub Reporter (Level I) to Assistant Cub Reporter? Why the hell not.
Ever since you started up the Linx, I've been stopping by every single day. Keep up the great work!
I Luv the Links!
But, truthfully, from my lips to your ears, it could be better if you added just one little thing...
Free beer.
Is that too much to ask?
Your blog is top notch.
The Larwyn's Linx is mighty fine.
Nothing wrong with writing criticism of some of the links if we feel - it is all in attempt to improve the Conservative offering.
Just stuck on being honest about all, in attempts to avoid more flops, failures, enabling of the Democratic Party ticket.
Ross blog?
One of the best of all.
No doubt about it.
I found your blog through a very cool Star Trek post you did. I like your keen observations on economics that come with P-Shop illustrations. Let's see the Wall Street Journal do that.
Larwyn's Linx is my reminder to keep coming back. Keep the Linx as is and give Larwyn a big raise.
Like other commenters, I like the roundup and check after Drudge.
I like your current setup.
After checking up on Instapundit, Jewish World Review, and American Thinker, I head here to see if there's anything interesting around the rest of the blogosphere.
Quick and easy, right?
I start at Hotair every mornng. But those guys are lazy and get up late.
Larwyn's Linx is my second stop each morning. I miss it when it's not there before I leave for work!
I love Larwyn. And you too of course.
I find it very valuable. It's usualy the first think I click on when I start my day, as well. Of course, since you have linked me a few times, I'm a little biased. But I certainly wouldn't change a thing.
Keep up the great work!!
I like the Linx. Stick with it!
It's VERY good.
What is not good enough is the navigation on your page. The user (me) should be able to easily go through PAGES of your content. Your blog is very visual so textual links aren't good enough.
If I want to try to go back, i have to find the month/year in the archive list - but only because I know that it's there.
Your effectiveness would shoot up with this simple feature.
Other than that, you have a great site and I am grateful that you take the time to work at it!
Reader #6 reporting for duty!
Our best wishes for an end to his health issues.
The list of links has been too long for our taste. We'd also appreciate him highlighting one or two of the top links for folks with little time. Otherwise - keep up the great work and thanks for what you do!
Love the linx - don't change a thing, it's all good.
Also, You should have reminded readers that you have a nifty Larwyn's Lynx link button they can put on their blogs.
Also, thanks for putting me in #1 spot 2 days in a row, WOW!
The links stink and ought to be eliminated right away.
Kidding, of course - as many have already noted, the links have become an essential daily checkpoint.
On the other hand, Biff needs to increase his work output if he expects a promotion.
I love it too. It's the first tghing I check and go back several times daily. Of course, I love the regular articles as well and the presentation is great!
Never change.
Always remember the fun we had in French class.
Not to suck up or anything, but I actually come here before Drudge. The Linx is a great compendium of useful info, posting inspiration and just plain entertainment. Couldn't take my morning coffee without them (and of course appreciate the occasional link).
Praying for dear Larwyn's swift recovery.
it's a great service as is.
would love to see more off beat and less traveled blogs and journals
and less mm, rwn et al (the biggies we all check out anyhow).
Thanks for all of the responses, I really appreciate each and every one!
@The_Bad - Biff Spackle has a hate on for you right now. If you see him on the street, run. Run like the wind.
@Relia - I would love to link to excellent smaller blogs (and often do). But I need help in finding them. If you (or anyone) spots some really posts from smaller blogs, please let me know!
Thanks again for the help!
After checking Drudge, this site is the next stop while I'm having my morning coffee. One of the reasons is Larwyn's links. Don't change a thing.
My version of this would be "After checking Instapundit, this site is the next stop while I'm having my morning coffee. One of the reasons is Larwyn's links. Don't change a thing."
Drudge is my last stop. I go to Drudge only to judge what the majority of "casual readers"* are going to see and NOT see.
*People with limited time or people who are not all that computer savvy and do not know about places like Doug's blog or Instapundit, Gateway Pundit, etc..
I think everything about this site is top notch. Larwyn's Linx is just the right amount. Many bloggers have been going for quantity not quality. DR @ J and the Linx is about quality!
Keep up the good work.
P.S. I especially like your photo-journalist type posts.
I love your site! I check it two or three times per day.
Please keep up the good work.
Larwyn's Linx may not be the primary reason I come here, but it's the primary reason I check here daily. You have a great site. Don't take anything away from it. Make a grouchy old man happy. Keep the links.
I like the links well enough. I like your own articles even more. Your site is one of my "Must See" sites every morning.
Like many others, I check here to get a sense of what's happening at first light. It's like a "previews of coming attractions" post and I'm up on the RSS feed.
After a quick look-see, I decide where to start destroying my vision today. We have the widget up at uncoverage.net. How's that for brownie points?
This site is my evening routine. Love Larwyn's Linxs and your articles preceding.
Some of the links I may have already read from the original source, and get to skip to the others. My "back" button gets quite a work out, returning to read more links.
I view the Links as my "homework assignment" at times staying up late to cram. Thanks teach! I do bend ears with info gleamed from this site, hoping to share info this site provides.
Larwyns's Linx is a regular part of my day.
I'm waiting for you to stop doing Larwyn's Links...
so we can do them.
Face it, you're nothing without Larwyn.
I don't do Drudge. I do DougRoss/Larwyn.
Keep up the great work!!!
Here at the "Wildride", our day starts out with a quick glance at drudge, and then we click on Larwyns so that hitting the back button doesnt reload the entire blog, or we right click and choose "Open in a new window or tab". Either way, we gleen this blog, and then we gleen drudge. So, to recap, quick glance at Drudge, then over here to gleen, then back to drudge to gleen. The only thing annoying is being called seven loyal readers. We have sent out hundreds of links to this blog in the last year alone. Every like minded indivudal we know only knows of this blog BECAUSE of us. Keep up the good work, and keep the faith. Billybob the wacky liver.
Your posts and Larwyn's Linx are my first stop on the web and insta pundit my second. I like instapundits explanatory comments that go with his links but your posts make for great entertainment.
I skipped over the LL when I first found your site but once I started reading, find it an invaluable contribution.
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